
Hover over each cell to see the number of isolates tested and number of reporting institutions and select the years you’d like to view at the bottom of the visual.

Additional interpretation guidance is below the antibiogram in the footnotes.

Mobile phone users should rotate their device horizontally or can click here for a non-interactive pdf version of the 2021 antibiogram.

Want to use an antibiotic that isn’t on our antibiogram? Check out the ANTIBIOTIC SUBSTITUTION LIST.


  1. Escherichia coli: CLSI urine breakpoints for cefazolin differs for uncomplicated urine infections versus systemic infections; individual reporters may use different breakpoints. The susceptibility presented above may underestimate susceptibility in uncomplicated urine infections.

  2. Streptococcus Agalactiae: also known as Group B Streptococcus

  3. S. pneumoniae: susceptibility differs for CNS infections for penicillin and ceftriaxone

  4. Enterobacter cloacae: while sometimes listed susceptible, 3rd generation cephalosporins are not recommended due to possible AmpC resistance induction

  5. Nitrofurantoin: susceptibility only for urine infection

  6. Levofloxacin: Enterococcal coverage advised only for urine infection

  7. Ciprofloxacin/levofloxacin/moxifloxacin/norfloxacin: Fluoroquinolones are not advised for routine coverage of staphylococcus

  8. Amikacin/Gentamicin/tobramycin: while listed susceptible for some Gram positive organisms, aminoglycosides are only used for synergy Gram positive organisms and should not be used as monotherapy

  9. Rifampin: monotherapy not advised outside of latent tuberculosis infections